About Me
At age 4: Paisley began attending theatre arts camp under the direction of Dr. Tommie Tonea Stewart, who later became one of her professional mentor.
At age nine: Casted as a munchkin in Alabama State University Theatre Production, "The Wiz."
Age 12: Casted as a secondary on the hit Lifetime show, "Any Day Now."
Age 18: Served two consecutive years as a head choreographer.
Age 20: Chosen Student/Faculty liaison of the Alabama State University's Eclectic Dance Company as the youngest co-founder.
2007-2008; Stingette dancer with the Alabama State Marching Hornets
Received four awards for her work at the university ranging for Most Outstanding Freshman to the Bertra Martin award, the university's highest award given for overall performance and academia in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre in May 2009
Masters in Education in June 2022
Currently pursuing Ph.D in Psychology
Training Includes:
The Groundlings Theatre and School
Aaron Speisner Acing School
Alabama Dance Theatre
BTW Magnet Dance Department
Debbie Allen Dance Academy
Chicago Ballet
Deeply Rooted
Alvin Ailey
Atlanta Ballet
Dance 411
Millennium Dance Duplex Los Angeles,
Debbie Reynolds Dance Studio
Edge Performing Arts Center
Tours included:
June 2009; five-city European tour
November 2009; four-city tour in Japan
February 2010, 17-country, six-month contract with Princess Cruiselines
Movie Credits:
The Last Straw
TNT’s Honeydripper with Danny Glover
Disney’s Rosa Parks Story with Angela Bassett
Burt Wonderstone with Jim Carey and Steve Carell.
Stage/ APP credits:
MTV VMAS Brooklyn 13 (televised)
NAACP Theatre Awards
Steezy App
Music videos:
Toni Braxton's Long As I Live
Beyoncé’s "Run the World"
Robin Thicke's "Give it 2U"
Netflix Original: Flaked (Choreographer)
Harry’s Law,
Franklin and Bash
Last Man Standing
2015 BTW/CPAC Alumni Award Recipient
2016 B.T.W. Magnet Commencement Speaker
2017 Group Fitness Certification
2018 Launched Phabphit Dance Fitness and Wellness Program
2019 Implemented Pre-Professional Curriculum to Southern California Schools
2020 Restructured Online Instruction/ Began Grad School/Acquired School Districts
2021 Added services for children with Autism and Adults with Dementia
2022 Integrated Energy Certification
2022 Dance Director LAUSD (Crenshaw)
2023 BTW Magnet Showcase Creative Dir.
2024 Dance Director in LBUSD (Jordan)